[YanL] あけおめ! | Happy New Year! I tried dancing.
Hi, I'm Janelle.😊
Have you all seen the medley for the second half?Haha
The 2019 New Year of the Sea has just dawned Wow!!!!...
Last year 2018 was a really tough...
No (;◔д◔)
It's been a busy and active year!
How were you?
If there's my goal this year,
2019 will be a more busy year!!
I think dancing is much more important than singing it.ᄒᄒ;
I hope you're all satisfied.
The first video for 2019 will be from the original dance!!!✦‿✦
Actually, I made it early last year, and I took a video.
My choreographer was so wrong that I couldn't contribute.crying
(You've made a mistake again this time, but...)
And now I'm able to put my clothes back on, and I'm able to contribute like this!!
✧.◞.I'm impressed.
(I did the shooting in the fall! It's not cold!)
When we were shooting, we sang a song called "The Magic of Love.
I spent so much time on the previous song that it ended up in the evening....
It's dark, but it's magnified, and there's a lot of noise. crying
Oh, I'm so sorry!!!
Thank you for watching this video.
I'd like you to pay a lot of attention and love in 2019.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
音源本家/Orginal Music - すこっぷ
Please note the lyrics. - Sir Iris.
https://blog naver.com/tomato2006/10077475651
撮影/photography , 編集/editing : YanL(@YanL_AYu94)
[YanL / Janelle / ヤンエル
Twitter @YanL_AYu94
Atli https://yanl94.ateli.com/
Blog https://blog. naver.com/lhr_lsh
Instagram @w_ayumi94
See Original

Profile Image YanL

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